For some reason kids failed to come with a manual. I’m not sure why they are born into this world without one. It seems like a horrible oversight. I mean even McDonald toys come with instructions, so why not kids?
The What to Expect series helps you out in those first few years, but what to do when they really have minds of their own and you have more than one?
Discipline has been our number one conundrum in this child raising business. It never fails that our boys disagree and then that disagreement can eventually become heated. That’s when we intervene, but depending on the severity, my husband and I are often at a loss for what to do and a discussion ensues on what a proper punishment would be.
Discipline has been our number one conundrum in this child raising business. It never fails that our boys disagree and then that disagreement can eventually become heated. That’s when we intervene, but depending on the severity, my husband and I are often at a loss for what to do and a discussion ensues on what a proper punishment would be.
So, instead of trying to figure out what consequence the boys should suffer for their offense, I decided to come up with a cheat sheet so that we are all literally on the same page. Granted, I really wish I’d come up with this at the beginning of the summer. It would’ve been a great opportunity for them to tackle my honey-do list.
I’m by no means a parenting expert, but I’ve always heard that consistency is key and I can’t even remember what I had for breakfast this morning much less what we did the last time they did X.
So, here’s my cheat sheet. I’d love to hear your thoughts and comments.
What it Mean
Fighting with your brother
Too much time on your hands
Take a chore out of the chore jar
Messy room
Not enough time on your hands
Lose Computer/XBox/TV time for one day per room
Throwing your clothes in your closet instead of hanging them up
Not enough time on your hands
Lose Computer/XBox/TV time for one day
Stuffing your clothes under your bed instead of hanging them up
Not enough time on your hands
Lose Computer/XBox/TV time for one day
Not doing your chores
Not enough time on your hands
Lose Computer/XBox/TV time for one day
Leaving your stinky hockey clothes in the bag
Not appreciating your mother’s time
Do a load of laundry
Leaving your dirty clothes on the floor
Not appreciating your mother’s time
Do a load of laundry