Tallion got a new shopping app for his iPad. So, naturally, I was looking at shoes.
Oh, those shiny, beautiful works of art. All of a sudden, an hour had gone by and I didn’t even realize it.
Louboutin, Choo, Gucci, Prada, Kate Spade how I love thee…
He looked over my shoulder to see what all of the fuss was about. Of course, I had periodically exclaimed, look at these! And, even the more fun, aren’t these just hideous! But, I had just found a pair that I adored. He was shocked and exclaimed, "You can get a used KIA for that price!"
Trying to be helpful and reasonable, he said as he was typing, “I wonder if you can filter it by price and set a price cap.” I assured him that you probably can, but what was the fun in that?!!
Then he hit “done.” He had reset all of my shoes to just show cheap shoes! I didn’t want a price cap! What does he think this is? I don’t dream over shoes from Walmart. He quickly found out that was not what I wanted and fixed it back to my original shopping page. Thank God! I thought we were going to have to divorce.
Ah, men, they just don't understand a woman's love affair with shoes.
Jennifer, when my neighbor wants something that's more than what her husband wants to pay, she says, "It's cheaper than a divorce!" Shoes: cheaper than a divorce!