Monday, November 21, 2011

The Happiness Project

Rubin focuses on love in February - how fitting (and cornily cute). She talks about the research that shows that marital bliss drops dramatically with babies and teenagers. Nothing new there although she adds some funny stories for us to chuckle about.

We are out of that stage since our boys are 9 and 7. We’re in the calm before the storm phase and living it up.

She talks about fighting right and all of the typical things you learn in communication and psych classes in college. Never say “you never” or “you always”. Blah, blah.

But, one thing that struck me as fascinating is that she came upon research that shows that time spent with women is the most reliable indicator of a person not being lonely. This holds true for both women and men. Time spent with men doesn’t make a difference.

I was so blown away by that nugget that I had to share with my husband.

His response after some clarifying questions?

“That’s awesome! So, you’re going to spend more time with your girlfriends, and I’m going to spend more time with your girlfriends! You get Fridays, I get Saturdays...”

Seriously! Men! I don’t know why I was so surprised. At least we had a good laugh before starting our day, and apparently, I get Fridays.

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